Join the pantheon of heroes like Thor, Hercules and… David? Well David never really became a hero himself, but he’s here to train us up to join the ranks of the courageous.
You’ll need to be brave, as to meet the Indrik who only appears for the most fearless heroes, we need to help Dave complete six daring missions. These involve meeting the creatures of this realm, ranging from a tiny pixie to a massive stone troll and everything in between.
The puppetry on display in this show is absolutely mesmerising. Not only are the beasts, larger than life and look incredible but their masters twist and move them in a way that truly brings them to life. Naturally, these creatures don’t say much, yet they are sassy and cheeky and can stir genuine emotional responses. The children gasp, giggle and are simply overwhelmed by the unadulterated joy of seeing a majestic unicorn and Juno, the monumental dragon. These puppets are entrancing as every set of eyes is glued to the stage to see what happens next. The Nicoll Entertainment group have caught lightning in a bottle with this show, as well as capturing dreams with the legendary Baku.
To conquer these quests, Dave brings up champions from the audience and lets them save the day. These are heart-warming moments for the parents and for the children it creates memories that will last a lifetime. What is so wonderful about ‘Dragons and Mythical Beasts’ is the message that anyone can be a hero. You don’t need to be Chris Hemsworth with muscles the size of mountains, if you have a heart of gold and are kind to everyone around you, then you are the true embodiment of a hero.
This is the pinnacle of kids’ entertainment. It manages to dumbfound and amaze like a blockbuster film but there is something so special about the theatre. Bring your little ones and witness a gleaming smile grow on their face and a twinkle in their eye when they leave.
Dragons and Mythical Beasts
11:20 at Underbelly Bristo Square, McEwan Hall (Venue 302)
August 19 – 21