Not many comedy shows have an intro song but Randy’s does, and it’s certainly not the only thing that makes him unique. The last of the Feltface species has come to Edinburgh to explore morality and make silly jokes like only a Feltface can.
Randy’s fast paced style is engrossing as you listen to his assured world views. His vocabulary is complex and varied, using it to make massively profound philosophical statements before rapidly derailing these into hysterical ridiculousness. He scathingly looks at the way the world is dying whether that’s through climate change, religion or politics, but never has an apocalypse seemed so funny.
Randy’s interactions with the crowd are just brilliant. Conversations that could well get him cancelled are undisputedly hilarious and the resulting room full of laughter is purely credit to his comedic genius. Randy is so quick on his feet and manages to create an inclusive atmosphere that means the audience become as big a part of the show as anything scripted.
He, too, has a lot of material that avoids the world of ethics. It’s all random and it’s all great. A dive into one of Liam Neeson’s lesser-known films, Randy’s life as an Aussie and of course his multitude of animal kingdom facts.
And I apologise but it must be said, Randy is a puppet, but Heath McIvor is simply sensational. The amount of emotion that Randy exhibits with a frozen face is just as impressive as the fantastic words he says. It’s theatrical and dramatic, all while being keel over funny.
Randy really knows how to win friends and influence people in this hour that feels all too short. There’s a load of weird and wacky content in this performance but Randy finishes strong with just about the only thing we can universally get behind.
Randy Feltface: Alien of Extraordinary Ability
21:15, Assembly George Square Studios (Venue 17)
August 11 – 14, 16 – 28