The Fringe is one of the most enjoyable times of the year but there is no denying that it can all get a bit much sometimes. If that sounds familiar, then this is the show for you. Take yourself away from the busy streets where you can’t hear yourself think and into the wonderfully intimate BlundaBus for a relaxing hour of wholesome life drawing.
It’s a safe space in which you are totally free to express your inner artist. The excellent host, Revolting Rosy, talks you through this time as you sketch a new Fringe performer every day. While it is natural to feel a bit nervous (many of us are no Picasso after all) but you are eased into the drawing with a few fun games. The first poses you may draw with your weaker hand or without looking at the page which lead to some enjoyable results. But never is the outcome to mock the creations, it’s a positive space and people are always going to praise your drawings rather than scorn.
What I found most enjoyable about the ‘Revolting Arts Club’ was how therapeutic it was. Not only is it a haven for body positivity but Rosy really cares about her audience and checks in on how they are doing in their day to day lives which can be all too stressful. And what would a life drawing class be without a few biscuits?
This show is an hour of pure escapism. It almost feels like your personal magically serene garden hidden amongst the concrete chaos of this city, and yes, I do know it’s a bus. But that just speaks volumes to the wonderful time I had there, and you can see for yourself, but hurry, they’re not here long.
Revolting Arts Club… Life Drawing Aboard the Blun-Doodle-Bus!
18:40 at the BlundaBus (Venue 212)
August 11 – 13