Sasha Ellen presumably named her show “Creeps and Geeks” as they are the types of men she has frequent interactions with. “Creeps” being one because, sadly, they seem to be everywhere, and “Geeks” because that is the type of man she looks to date. This is not to say that she is not a geek herself, in fact, as a professional dungeon master in Dungeons and Dragons, she could potentially be Queen of the geeks.
The show mainly focuses on the former, creeps, and how we as a society can affect change in order to make women feel safe, or at least feel as though they can go about their day without crude cat-calling. Sasha has some interesting ideas, as real, meaningful change could take a long time. So if she’s trying to sort a complex issue with short-term methods, why not go nuts with it?
“Creeps and Geeks” is a humorous show with steady laughs and good material, it just appears to be missing some material capable of getting the big laughs which would push this standup show into the highest of brackets. That being said, Sasha Ellen is an incredibly likeable comic with sharp wit, and despite the jokes she makes about her small stature, she commands the room, leaving audiences hanging on her every word.
This is an hour of good quality standup, brought to you by a comedian who seems to have the skills to go far in the industry and it focuses on important topics without bringing down the room. Most importantly, it’s got a big finish, in a style that may shock those in the audiences who think the afternoon shows are quite vanilla. But if you want to know, you’ve got to go.
Sasha Ellen: Creeps and Geeks, 16:15, Underbelly, August 18-29