Are you a fan of Eurovision? Because despite basing a show on it, the Scottish Falsetto Socks are not.
“Eurovision Sock Contest” is the new show in sock puppet related comedy (there’s a niche) at the festival this year. The Scottish Falsetto Socks provide the audience with Eurovision based comedy and songs from all corners of Europe, everywhere from the Eastern Bloc to the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
The musical value in the show is very good, and the content of the songs for each area is humorous but too heavily reliant on stereotypes. The man who controls the singing socks is very good at playing his two characters off each other, and he is also very good at getting them to play off the audience. However, if you are a big time Eurovision fan who takes it seriously, don’t let the title fool you, this may not be for you.
Even though the musical quality of the show is up to scratch, a lot of the jokes are quite cringe-worthy. There will be people who can go all in for the cheesy puns and one-liners, but collective gorans from the audience can become tiresome after a while. For an hour of music and comedy, the show is lacking a bit more in one department than the other.
“Eurovision Sock Contest” is a very easy watch that seems to be enjoyable for the audience, at the end of the many musical performances the audience vote for their winner of the competition. However there are aspects to the comedy that feel a bit tired.
Scottish Falsetto Socks: Eurovision Sock Contest, 16.30, Gilded Balloon Teviot, August 10 – 13