There’s a party vibe, drinks are on on a small table setting the scene, and a large television gets the ball rolling with a montage of a fun-times snapshots showing Sikisa and her friends having a most excellent time – moving seamlessly into empowered feminist declarations. We are left in no doubt, by the time she takes to the stage, who is our hostess. Strong, fun, much-loved, and not to be messed with – Sikisa.
The show’s structure is set around the much-missed house parties that were absent from Sikisa’s lockdown. It’s a lovely way to share a feast of food (even if they’re only images) and step into an easy intimacy with her audience. You get a taste as to what friendship with Sikisa would be like – devoted friend and not to be trifled with. Each impression builds upon the last, quietly and firmly tearing down preconceptions she has been hit with that were built upon her background, occupations, and speech cadence. She is so much more than these, and with a firm touch shows how some outdated prejudices still linger. As a contact point to friends who are both black and white she schools all with humour and patience. As an immigration lawyer she goes that step further, touching on the Brexit vote which feels relevant given the current ramifications still being felt.
But this is a show around a party, thrown at someone else’s house, with many rooms to pass through, and all important ‘dance breaks’s punctuating scene changes and high energy, soundtracking the evening with the tracks enjoyably indicative of how late this party is getting. Sikisa takes us with her through laugh-out-loud kitchen pedantry and highly enjoyable f*ck boy outmanoeuvring.
People share stories, hopes, dreams, and dance routines at parties. All of these are enjoyably present, with welcoming good humour and a glimpse into Sikisa’s friendships and battles. You leave having been somewhere special, personally chaperoned through her best party with a genuine warmth, a shiny goodie bag, and a hope that one day you might find yourself at such a glorious party all night long.
Sikisa – Life Of The Party
Pleasance Courtyard, 20.25 3-28 (except 17th) August 2022