Alexis Gay welcomes a new set of comedians to her show every day, celebrating her friends and introducing us to new comedians whilst advertising their shows.
As Alexis begins the show she comes off as this sweet supportive friend with self-deprecating humour. But as the hour goes on we learn Alexis is clearly very intelligent, with her random fun facts and witty jokes and comments.
First guest, Olivia Xing seemed nervous at first but as she kept going those nerves faded as her dark humour emerges and she tells of living in America as a Chinese person during the pandemic, which is the basis of her own show at the Fringe.
Erik Scott kept up the laughs going with his stories of sex shops and his improv callbacks to the other guests sets. Staying on the ball throughout his set.
Charlie Sosnick had vibrant and lively stage presence as he worked the crowd and taught the simple steps for anyone to become a DJ. He claims that it’s almost as highly a respected career as being a standup.
Stef Dag stole the show, I was apprehensive as she is known for her TikTok comedy which doesn’t always translate well to stand up. But Dag’s crowd work, sarcasm and self-aware jokes were extremely on point and entertaining for all. I’m sure much of the audience now have tickets for her show.
I wished there was more of Alexis herself, with the time she had left after her guests I felt she didn’t really have enough time to get into her own jokes. Leaving the audience wanting more, but I suppose with a slightly different show everyday this could be a tactic to get us to come back another time!
With people from all over the world in the room, the American comedians pulled of a great hour of standup and broke the stereotype that Americans aren’t funny. The audience of todays show could testify against that stereotype!
By Esmé Violet Anderson
Alexis Gay and Friends
Just the Tonic at The Mash House – Just the Snifter Room
Aug 6 -13, 15-27