The last show directed by the late Adam Brace, Lorenzo tells the story of how Ben Target takes care of his dying Uncle in 2020 at the height of the pandemic and the challenges that face him.
Target himself welcomes you in and offers you coffee on arrival, the first of many tributes to Lorenzo in the show and creating a relationship with audience members the moment you have your ticket scanned.
The set design was perfect for the space and a clever way to move the story along without taking away from Target. Using just a woodwork bench it is adapted in many ways to tell the story, another homage to Lorenzo and his love for design or as he calls it silly o’clock.
Ben Target is a masterful storyteller using three different levels of performance to bring the audience into the story. Ensuring we understood where we were at all points and breaking up moments of sadness with playful one liners and comedy routines. The show was well thought-out and with this different use of story telling kept the audience captivated with Targets every word.
The show’s end is extremely heartfelt and silly in itself. I could hear a few sniffles in the audience, by the end as the audience grows attached to Lorenzo. Many will also understand the guilt Target has about an older person in their life and can sadly relate to the ending.
This show will break your heart and remind you how precious life can be.
Ben Target: LORENZO
Summerhall – Anatomy Lecture Theatre
Aug 7-13, 15-20, 22-27