Successful employment lawyer Gillian Howard has written a book: Secrets & Lies, Tales of An Employment Lawyer – sharing a raft of fascinating, shocking, inspiring, and sometimes bizarre real-life stories. One of Gillian’s cases was also made into a BBC docu-drama, with Gillian played by Sarah Lancashire.
We catch up with Gillian for a chat about her storied career…
What inspired your career in law and what made you decide to write your first book: Secrets & Lies, Tales of An Employment Lawyer?
When I was growing up my father, a doctor, always stood up for his patients and anyone who needed help. So, I was brought up in that environment. Not to make judgements about people and to be kind to everyone and not judge and support the underdog.
My real passion is fighting for women who have been sexually discriminated against or sexually harassed at work and anyone who has been the subject of discrimination especially homophobic or disability discrimination.
My clients inspired me to write my book. I knew that other lawyers and members of the general public would be interested to see how lawyers really fight for their clients – some above board and in a correct and decent manner and others lying, cheating and trying to deceive.
What makes a good lawyer?
Passion, commitment to the client and never giving up.
How do you relax?
I love travel books and crime thrillers, especially Lynda La Plante, I like to read about other strong women. I also enjoy romantic novels and spy thrillers by John Le Carre and Ben Macintyre, biographies and autobiographies and war films or films about historic events and current affairs documentaries.
What’s next for you?
I hope to write a second Book as I have had 11 new and fascinating cases to write about since publication of Secrets & Lies.

I was the legal adviser in a docu-drama (SEX THE CITY AND ME) that BBC2 made about two of my female clients – Sarah Parrish played the discriminated against woman and Sarah Lancashire played me (but I don’t wear cardigans or smoke!) and the fabulous Ben Miles played the male perpetrator/ male boss. Now my colleagues and I are discussing a potential new TV drama inspired by another of my cases.
Gillian Howard – Secrets & Lies, Tales of an Employment Lawyer is Out Now & available here
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