The stage is a cornucopia of literature. Swirls of books on cookery, philosophy, Moomintrolls and ancient enticing comics balance precariously on a couple of tables, further literary treasure detritus laying across the stage saucily, like Long John’s pirate booty on sparkling teasing display. The show hasn’t started and Ince is handing out plain catalogue cards, quietly asking groups as they settle in if they would write down the names of books that have moved and helped to form them. Tempting minds open with curiosity and engagement. This is a celebration of the written word and the active brain, filled with poetry and science and humour. And we’ve started.
Ince is known for his love of books, but his enthusiasm for them is something to be witnessed and caught up in. Dropping author names like breadcrumbs to further avenues to be explored solo at a later date, the strength of his generosity of spirit ensures any future reading list is less an investment in capitalism and instead an adventure of the head and heart. There are ghosts, he proclaims, to be found in the written page – lost letters and handwritten footnotes cameo.
Rattling through at a rapid pace, slowing only to treat us to one or two original poems, Ince declares that the show has changed every day so far. What clearly stays the same is his generosity to share – information, first lines, inspiration, a connection to old books, crossing taboos and bringing the adventurous spirit of Swallows & Amazons into libraries.
Gilded Balloon At The Museum – Auditorium, 13:00, 4-27 August 2023