Sophie Santos is co-dependent and not in the way you might think. The actress, writer and comedian debuts her new one woman show at this year’s Fringe.
Sophie lets us into their mind as they deal with a 4 year relationship heartbreak and a complicated relationship with their OCD. All done through monologue and song. Not one minute of the show was wasted and they kept the audience engaged throughout, getting the audience involved in true Fringe form by handing the out props and singing songs to people in the front row.
You can’t help but laugh at her slightly desperate tendencies. Somethings everyone can relate to, looking online for ways to get back with your ex or double, triple, or quadruple texting them when they need space.
Throughout the hour you can’t help but feel sympathy for her, it’s clear a lot of things in her life have led her to this journey of self-discovery and however hard her heartbreak may be, this battle with herself and her brain was harder.
I found that some of the jokes fell flat as they felt a little forced as the energy just didn’t come through the correct way. Alongside this I think some of the humour didn’t translate too well to a more British audience.
If you like a good comedic song, you’ve ever gone through a breakup or you just need to remind yourself you aren’t alone in your irrational thoughts you should give this show a go.
Sophie Santos…is Codependent, 19:00, Underbelly Bristo Square, 19:00, August 2 – 28