An exceptional show of cirque and performance talent as we head to Sophie’s Surprise 29th house party. With multiple ex Cirque de Soleil performers this first time fringe company excites the audience with a modern and exciting way to present circus.
With a fun preshow we meet all the characters, classic British stereotypes as they chat to members of audience and cause general havoc and chaos. The preshow brings a bubbling energy to the tent and an excited chat the audience awaits the show. This energy continues to grow during the show. With the ultimate audience participation throughout, many laughs are created with the help of clown and biscuit/drug dealer Sam Goodburn.
The show’s storyline keeps the acts engaging as everyone can understand the story trying to be told as well as enjoy and marvel and the talents of these performers. Particularly impressive moments include a roller blading acrobatic routine and a incredible show of strength, control and dance movement as Katherine Arnold, the ugly duckling takes to the air in aerial hoop and the hanging rope.
Audiences in the front of the audience can marvel as the performers fly over their heads and come into the audience at various points throughout! You have been warned. Alongside the incredible cirque, the performers acting and commitment to their roles throughout made this show stand out. A incredibly impressive multitalented group who have created a piece of circus that is special and captivating.
With uses of lots of British bangers the show has segments of guess that song, karaoke, and an audience chosen alternate ending, this show is a delight to watch and an incredible energy to be a part of. It was so good I was sad to see it end and could have continued to watch for another hour.
Sophie’s Surprise 29th
Underbelly’s Circus Hub on the Meadows – The Beauty
Aug 8-13, 15-20, 22-26