Twonkey’s greatest twitch is not explicitly pointed out. Perhaps it’s a bit in his show, perhaps it’s the whole show, perhaps it’s not in the show at all. Nonetheless, it doesn’t take away from the fact that you can count on Twonkey to point out absolutely ridiculous, somehow-devised nuggets of whimsey and nonsense.
Armed with an army of some of the most disturbing puppet contraptions you’d probably ever have the pleasure(?) to lay your eyes on, Twonkey presents his musical show and tell. It’s an amalgamation of musical numbers that talk about a lot of nothing, and bits in between that talk about a lot of nothing too. But it’s the nothing that makes you chuckle, or laugh whole-heartedly if it’s your thing.
Unfamiliar to the Twonkey universe, I’ve seen described as weird and wonderful, the hour was a massive suspension from any reality I ever knew. The only thing that resembles familiarity are the melodic crashes of sound, making up the numbers he sings to. They share a similar DNA to the surrealist music making of the 60s and 70s. As mentioned, the lyrics are whacky and paint whacky landscapes of his imagination.
The show is most definitely out there, out there in a land so far away, semi materialised in the Twonkey imagination. There’s no formula, rhyme or reason, just a whole lot of whimsy and a self-aware scrappiness that engulfs the performer’s repertoire. The talent it takes to make utter nonsense become the content of a show is entirely impressive. Not to mention the obvious musical proficiency that is intentionally downplayed by playfulness, making it all the more wonderful to experience. If you give it a go, there’s no doubt you’ll walk away either in splits, impressed, confused, or all of the above. It’s not your typical show, it’s on the alternative side of alternative, but I reckon that’s what makes the Fringe for some of us.
Twonkey’s Greatest Twitch
18:30 @ The Voodoo Rooms – The Ballroom
Aug 18-20, 22-27