The Irish bombshell Catherine Bohart is a marvel on stage. In her packed first Fringe show of the year, there wasn’t a moment of silence as her natural wit bewitched the room.
Since last time, Bohart is in a new relationship, with a footballer – again. And like the last few, she’s the older one, or shall we say the kinky one. Bohart is now navigating life as a 35 year old dating someone in their twenties, which can lead to some differing of opinions when it comes to bedtime.
This also meant introducing her new girlfriend to her Irish-as-they-come parents, who tend to get too attached. Bohart continues that this introduction lead to some difficult conversations in terms of who’s carrying the baby, and yes, it is feminist to let the masculine one carry it.
In terms of old relationships, Bohart discusses her foray into the world of taxidermy for an ex, which proved to be more expensive than you would think.
Bohart is polarising in her storytelling abilities, which must come from her love of gossiping and everyone knows real avid gossipers are the most concise storytellers. Bohart manages to bring the house down throughout and makes for an uproarious show.
(4 Stars)
By Melissa Findlay
Catherine Bohart: Again, With Feelings, Monkey Barrel Comedy – 3, 12:00, Aug 13-15, 20-23, 25