“Seagulls, junkies and granite, it’s the worst place on the planet”. This is just one line from an improvised sea shanty about Aberdeen, created beautifully by the two sailors on stage Seán Cullen and Chris Locke. This Dada-ist performance art may go over the heads of the snobs, but this is hands down the funniest show I’ve seen this Fringe.
Cullen and Locke wear matching striped shirts and red beanies, think Smee from Peter Pan if he was Canadian and times it by two. Cullen and Locke’s chemistry on stage is undeniable, they bounce off each other in an instant and fully embrace the golden “yes, and” rule of improv. Their style and humour also greatly reminds me of Jonah Hill and McLovin in ‘Superbad’, it’s the type of humour that lands in the most random moments and gold forms out of thin air.
The pair create a magnificent bond with the audience and are great at interacting and ask the audience if they have any questions about their life at sea. This leads to some hilarious audience questions, with even funnier replies. Nothing is off the table when it comes to these two, from Shark Fuckers Monthly to a surprise appearance from Shitty Mozart next door, they lean into all the chaos the show has to throw at them.
This show is stomach-achingly funny and I found myself keeling over and catching my breath afterwards from laughing so hard. I’m in absolute awe of how they improvise a show like this every night, and for it to be different each time, makes me want to go every night.
Chris and Seán Are Two Sailors Who Are Nuts, 22.20 Gilded Balloon Patter House – Dram, until August 26