Comedian Glenn Wool is a man scorned and he’s here to tell you about it.
Divorce seems to be quite a recurring theme this fringe. It’s certainly up there with being diagnosed with ADHD (officially or unofficially by your ex-wife) as one of my top trends for this summer’s shows. Right on theme, Glenn manages to incorporate both into his Free Fringe performance at the Counting House.
Bearded, thick of hair, and with a loud Canadian accent which to me sounds uncannily like Jack Black, Glenn is a forceful comic with a lot to talk about. His divorce is perhaps the show’s greatest interest and the one which most ties into its theme. A heartwarming message of love, or luv, is definitely there somewhere but never quite manages to make it out of the starting blocks.
I rather think this is for the best as, just like with other divorce themed routines I’ve sat through, the pain of the event comes across as all a bit fresh still. It makes me slightly uneasy which kills any big laughs as he pokes at the ‘other man’ to blame in all this.
His other bits punching up at the royal family go down very well however, and Glenn certainly isn’t one afraid to go for outrageous. It suits him better than the divorce talk and the show’s initial foray into text acronyms (what are the kids even saying! LOL).
I laughed throughout but fairly sporadically. Unfortunately, the expectations I formed while seeing the looming queue of people waiting along West Nicolson St. weren’t quite met.
Glenn Wool: Luv (sic), Laughing Horse@The Counting House, 19:00, until August 24th.