I read somewhere recently that all comedians fall into two camps: golfers, and tortured artists. Tom Stade is one I would confidently put into the former category. Brash, Canadian, and cocky his is not the show about coming to terms with mental illness, neurodiversity, or a troubled childhood. Moreso, his performance is one of those quintessential boomer routines which itches to dog out the younger generations. It’s a show that shakes its fists at their doggone internet addictions, with their acronyms and their scrolling and their weird new slang.
I will say, Tom isn’t one of the more annoying of such comics: the type who get actually pissed off at the innocuous ways of teenagers. He is more bemused than anything by the ways of his daughter and her nerve to ask him for money. Unfortunately for me, bemused is about as far as I get towards actual laughter.
In the words of everyone’s toxic ex-boyfriend: Tom, it’s not you, it’s me. There really isn’t anything wrong with the material, as it works a treat for the audience of almost entirely middle-aged men. They love it. In fact, the man in front of me, whose bald head blocks Tom’s right hand side for most of the hour, gave such a loud HA HA every few minutes, I become a bit concerned.
It’s just not a show for someone of my age and that’s ok. If you’re a dad who finds the phase ‘no cap’ as baffling as Tom, I’m confident you’ll get on with his set. It’s full of snark and swagger with lots to say about cheap family holidays.
Tom Stade: Risky Business, The Stand Comedy Club, 20:15, until August 25.