A slender figure slinks out from behind the curtain, as Trygve Wakenshaw takes to the stage. When you initially think of mimes, your mind jumps to the classic French white makeup wearing stuck in a box performer, but Wakenshaw is here to defy all assumptions and expectations.
Wakenshaw spends the show using his miming skills to illicit laughter from the audience, and laughter he gets. For the complete hour, Wakenshaw acts out various scenes with just his body and the perfect sound effects with his mouth. It focuses primarily on his acting as a bumbling magician who may not be the best at performing magic, and leads to some comedically tasteful slapstick moments. Although, his best role is as an air hostess, that has the audience genuinely slapping their knees.
At first, I was sceptical about the notion of watching a mine for an hour and that the audience in this sold out show are all crazy. However, Wakenshaw is pure hilarity personified, he pulls the audience to be on his level and has you reacting to his faux magic tricks with the same excitement as if it was real.
Wakenshaw’s talent is a blessing to watch on stage. The genius and seamless transitions from scene to scene without the need to speak is absolute perfection and cannot be understated. The unique variety of his talent makes it a perfect show to watch for all audiences.
Trygve Wakenshaw: Silly Little Things, Assembly Roxy – Upstairs, 20:15, Aug 17-25.