The pretentious actor Tobias Finley-Fraser, played by the lesser known comedian, Casey Filips attempts to win over the audience during his big audition, but you quickly witness calamity ensue on stage.
Filips nails the character of snobby Tobias, so much so, that i’m starting to think his nasally well-to-do Tobias accent is his real voice. His facial expressions are also spot on, and he is able to keep complete composure whilst imitating a mating manatee, which can’t be an easy feat.
Luckily for Filips, the audience were eager to interact with him in scenes that require audience participation. But, I do imagine it to be awkward if no one is willing to go up on stage because the show’s premise will kind of fall apart without it.
The show is an interesting concept that definitely keeps the audience entertained. However, some of the jokes fall flat for me and it has a tendency to get awkward. Although, Filips doesn’t waver in his portrayal of Tobias, he remains in character and pushes through the lulls, resulting in a glorious final scene. Filips does a good job at having the audience connect with Tobias and you genuinely become invested in his journey of the audition.
Virtuoso, Pleasance Courtyard – Cellar, 22:30, Aug 20-25