Alexis Sakellaris is paying homage to all the pop icon divas that raised him. After his ex-pat family move from New York to rural Germay, Sakellaris attempts to fit in and bond with the other kids and what’s a better way to do that than through belting Celine Dion in their face?
This autobiographical musical, delves deep into stan culture and how it’s maybe not healthy to love a stranger more than yourself. To be a stan, means to be a “stalker fan” or just having that one celebrity you would die for. Sakellaris discusses how all the great female musical icons sunk their claws into him from a very early age, through their high notes and powerful attitudes.
Sakellaris occasionally flaunts his musical skills on the keyboard with original songs. The opening number even describes the origin of the word stan, which is via a Eminem music video.
Growing up wasn’t easy for Sakellaris. All he wanted to do was to bond with the other kids over ‘Desperate Housewives’ or Britney Spears, but quickly the bullying made it more difficult to outwardly love his passions.
Through the help of the real divas in his life, he learns about being confident in who you are and finding the real diva from within yourself. Sakellaris’s energetic show with an inspiring message is heart-warming. He beautifully describes what it’s like to love something to death and become so obsessive that you remember what Lady Gaga wore to the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards.
Alexis Sakellaris: A STAN IS BORN!, Zoo Playground – Playground
You can catch Alexis Sakellaris in London, at Camden People’s Theatre, 21.00 September 26-28