If you’re not a poetry connoisseur, you might well have the image of a poet as some kind of snobby figure, too European and sophisticated to ever speak above a sombre whisper or be seen to laugh. A minute into the show and our compère for the evening, Kevin Mclean, would have you second guessing that stereotype. Thank God for that.
The barrier to entry for poetry is most often in the mind of its would be audience. Gone(mostly) are the days of the Ezra Pound hyper confusing intellectualist stuff you would need two dictionaries, a literature degree, and a private school education to understand- let alone to enjoy.
Modern poetry is far from this. It is varied, impactful, and generally accessible and I can think of no better showcase to prove this than Loud Poets. Truly offering a kaleidoscope of spoken word, Loud Poets consists of an ensemble cast of three poets who rotate for each performance (4 including Kevin who also performs a work of his own).
The magic of the show is the variety on display. Each poet performs an introductory work, before they are lined up for the ‘jukebox round’. Quite Mock of the Week-esque, as all three poets are shown various topics which they can choose to perform a poem around. It’s such a fun format and further breaks up the programme to keep your interest firmly with the performers. Then each poet in turn is allowed a longer segment to explore a few poems before the next one comes on an before you know it, the show’s over and it’s time to leave.
It’s a sad parting. I’m not sure when the next time I’ll be able to enjoy high quality spoken word performances in such a novel way. If you’re lucky enough to see this show be sure to give the performers a lot of appreciation. Poetry is not often seen as being the ‘best of fringe’, but at least for me, that changes now.
Loud Poets: Best of Fringe, Scottish Storytelling Centre, 20:45, until August 17