Man oh man, do I have no idea what I’m doing right now. This is a thought I have countless times during my participation in The Ceremony. By the end, I’m not even sure if our guide, Ben Volchok, knows what really went on in that room for the hour we were all in it.
As the audience trickles in, I notice our host is doing a funny bit. He’s mimicking the behaviours of the audience; scratching his head as someone does, taking an imaginary sip of cider etc. Oh this will be good, I think to myself. This is pretty funny. And it is… until I check my phone for the time and realise about 20 minutes has passed since the doors closed and the music started but nothing’s really happened yet. I couldn’t possibly know that it would be a further ten minutes, before Ben actually manages to say a word.
I won’t say I don’t laugh in that mute half hour intro. That would be untrue, as I do many times. However, just as often, am wondering, “When he was actually going to get on with the show?”. By the time it finally does begin in earnest, we only have time to get through one of the planned three rounds of the part game show/part group mindfulness class, which I believe The Ceremony is supposed to be about, before our time is up and we have to leave.
Being in the audience of The Ceremony feels a lot like being in a dog training class where you are the dog. It also feels at times like you are in a therapist’s office with a shrink who has graduated with a degree from I know this is probably confusing, but it’s the truest depiction of my experience that I can offer. It was enjoyable, memorable, and mad most of all. Go if you dare and see what you get out of it.
The Ceremony, Summerhall, 21:45, until August 26.
Latharna Imlah