Alison Larkin’s beautiful tragedy does not leave a dry eye in the house; exposing her vulnerabilities through song, comedy and one-woman showmanship.
Throughout Larkin’s performance you find yourself keeping your eyes fully glued to hers to understand the weight of her words. An exquisite piece of moving writing it makes you connect your own feelings to hers in every moment.
Although the title suggests this is a story about grief, it is actually one of divine, once in a lifetime love. Larkin was adopted from America to England, and as she grew older she decided to travel back to her birthplace and meet her birthmother. She eventually settles down and starts a family there, but divorces in her 40’s. It is then when Larkin comes to the realisation she has never experienced a true love.
By chance, she meets a man at an Inn where they bond over the New York Times. From then on, a Nicholas Sparks style romance is in full effect and Larkin conveys every emotion she felt at the time as though it were happening right before us. It is a masterclass of storytelling from the ups to the downs, even including befriending Desmond Tutu at dinner.
When the unthinkable occurs, Larkin feels numbness. She knew this was coming, people always leave. Except, it’s part of the deal of life and you can’t control what happens to you, but you can control how you react to it, which was the advice of Desmond Tutu himself.
You have a feeling of privilege while watching this, to even bear witness to a story so beautiful and moving. Larkin does an incredible job of inspiring the audience to be open to love no matter how past trauma may affect your feelings towards it. This is truly a show that could change your outlook on life.
Alison Larkin: Grief…A Comedy, 14.10, Assembly George Square Studio 2, Until August 25