Conjuring images of massive posters on bedroom walls and presumed friendships, The Book Of Ryan is a bright and colourful love note to Ryan Gosling, packed with research and idolatry of philosophy taken from a true fan. Ostensibly a biography of the actor by mega fan Pandara, this is also a rather delightful take on living positively in a manner that fits in well within the Gosling portfolio alongside ‘Barbie’ and ‘The Nice Guys’. Personal and professional Gosling-anecdotes and -facts are littered generously and positively throughout, serving as the base to an adoring introduction or continued fandom (depending on how familiar you are already with the multitalented one). There’s something very conspiratorial and a little vulnerable in sharing such sweet devotion eloquently.
Some bits within the book are left intentionally blank to fill in your own hopes, strengths, and ambitions and there’s even a quiz at the end. It’s all rather enthusiastic and sweet for the most part, only sometimes tipping into weirdly semi-religious language – but even that’s upbeat and self-caringly positive. Gosling, it would seem, inspires a romanticism and optimism that has the ferocity of a well-armed My Little Pony.
Ryan Gosling may not be the messiah – but he does seem to be a decent man you’d be a fool not to like. Pandara has elicited a vehemently upbeat philosophy and outlook from his words, actions and films that in itself has merit to be shared. The trivia and stories are also of interest to even a casual fan. He’s depicted as modest, a humanitarian and outspoken feminist – there are far worse icons out there to be sure. The passion in the author’s devotion can come across at times as a little unhinged, but pulls back from the edge with such bubblegum kindness that what actually is delivered is a book that warms the reader, and left me with a genuine desire to explore Gosling’s back catalogue anew with fresh eyes.
The Book Of Ryan: A Celebration of Ryan Gosling by Pesala Pandara is released in hardback on Thursday 10 October 2024.