I’VE been coming to the Festival for more than 30 years but this was my first time seeing Fringe legend Arthur Smith.
And this terrific hour made me realise that this has been a waste of three decades but that I am the perfect age to appreciate this particular show.
Basically, Arthur and Phil have reunited their Fiasco Job Job double-act that played Edinburgh in 1984, celebrating their fortieth anniversary with a sort-of play, that deals with growing old, falling out and repairing friendships, all wrapped up in their trademark curmudgeonly humour.
Put it this way, the opening sees the pair sat on a park bench, just two old codgers doing nothing while complaining about the young.
But just as I was about to congratulate myself on the thought, ‘Hang on, this is just like Waiting For Godot!’, Arthur referenced the famous non-arriver and I was left – not for the first time – realising that I’m not the rare genius I like to think I am and that Arthur and Phil are waaaaay ahead of me as usual.
There’s nothing here that will reinvent comedy – predictive text gags aren’t exactly groundbreaking – but it’s done with such skill and joy that this simply doesn’t matter.
That point was proven when, after a string of “I’m so old…” gags, Phil cracks the audience up with, “I’m so old I remember the first time these jokes were told!”
But every so often you get a glint of Arthur’s vitriolic side – his description of Jacob Rees-Mogg is worth the admission price alone.
This is apparently the last time this duo will perform together, and the fact they are doing so is testament to a friendship that was rent asunder before they reconciled – the story of that parting and reunion is the actually quite shocking grit in this particular oyster as both reveal what they went through with moving honesty.
This is one of those shows that I have been thinking about ever since I walked back into the Pleasance Courtyard, and the more I think about it the more I realise just how bloody clever and moving it is.
The fact that it’s also bloody funny just makes it better. Don’t miss it.
Arthur Smith & Phil Nice In OOF!, 14.30, Pleasance Courtyard – Cabaret Bar until August 18