From the opening line, we hear a song with the first words “Trouble set me free”. So we have an idea what this one person play is about.
This is a study of obsession and of coping with the disasters of modern life.
Amie Enriquez perfromance is based on a true story about a young woman’s attempts to survive anorexia and maintain a positive attitude in post 9/11 New York.
As we watch the episodes of the young woman’s life unfold we wonder will it work, will she pull through. Is she happier because she has a purpose.
She needs to work out if the characters around her are helping or hindering. Her father appears – hopelessly unaware of how the pitfalls of her predicament.
We the audience have something to learn about the struggle of living and dealing with anorexia, and the fear of almost everything that causes this illness.
Enriquez’ performance is sometimes over cautious – perhaps for fear of giving offence – you’ll have to come and see the show to find out why. But she makes us laugh and keeps us guessing about whether the events she describes are real or imaginary.
Perhaps her conversation with an extremely tempting cupcake will give her some answers.