Just how deep could Cam Gavinski go with a show about his dick? The answer is actually pretty deep. So deep there’s even potential of tearing up. No but actually. The male musical comedian fully convinced me comedy was an effective way to explore the depths of pubescent hypersexuality and the shame that surrounds relentless addiction to sexual gratification. All while making me silly laugh, even when I didn’t know why.
You know as much as I do that male comedians are obsessed with shoving their dick in our faces. So yes, I was absolutely sceptical about the lasting potency of an hour long dick joke buffet. Surely they’d go limp as early as the first climax. But Gavinski managed to put my scepticism to bed.
As soon as the comedian’s mannerisms and inflections saturated the stage, I knew there would be something different about the show. If you’ve seen the Diary of a Wimpy Kid it would immensely help me help you get a flavour for the show. Imagine this: the younger brother grew up to look exactly like his older brother, becoming controlled by the demands of his pee pee, who’s possessed by a flamboyant, ragingly horny French man with a dark past. With a hand down his pants controlling a penis puppet with a beret on its head, eternally erect from his crotch, it feels like two’s a crowd on stage. But the crux of the show was what made Gavinski’s penis talk completely justified. The trauma of getting blackmailed by a girl across the world with video of him well, you know.
There’s music, singing, moans, and grunts. There’s dancing and you best believe there’s ample hip gyration. Sobering moments of what seemed like genuine introspection cropped up during the show which was a welcome surprise. It emphasised the ludicrous places that the comedian manages to take the show.
It was filthy, a little nerdy and filled with a lot of honesty. I dare call the show brave. Dick jokes, or even drawing attention to one’s manhood is normally a way to parade machismo or invite some misogyny into the mix. But Gavinki exposed his pee pee just as much as he did his insecurities. Making dick jokes go really deep.
Cam Gavinski: Bonheur
22:00 @ Gilded Balloon Teviot – Nightclub
Aug 4-13, 15-28