Priestess is an up-and-coming star in the British music industry and is definitely one to watch. Originally from the United States, she made the journey across the pond to pursue her career in the music industry in London. She has an edgy look, haunting voice and a passion to perform. Let’s see what she had to say when I got the chance to have a chat with her.
1. Tell us a little bit about yourself and where you are from?
My name is Sasha, my artist name is priestess, and I’m originally from the United States. I grew up in a Russian household in a suburb outside of Philadelphia. It was a great place to grow up as a music lover because all of my favourite artists would always do dates in my area. In hindsight, I really enjoyed growing up there, but If you were to ask me how I felt about it before I moved to London, I probably wouldn’t have the same answer. You have to leave a place to know what you’re missing– I miss seeing the sun sometimes.
2. What brought you to London?
The short answer is University, but it was really a combination of things. I grew up listening to so many artists from the UK and as people will come to know, I’m quite the music fan, so I felt like I had to go and experience what all my favourite artists had. As a kid, I spent a lot of time watching movies like ‘The Parent Trap’ with Lindsay Lohan and ‘Bratz Rock Angels’, both of which partially took place in London. It was always a city that I just HAD to go to. When I finally did, it felt like home.
3. How did you come up with the name ‘priestess’?
I came up with the name ‘priestess’ while trying to figure out a way to incorporate my love of the occult with my music. I’m a spiritual person and writing music has always helped me process my emotions, so I wanted to combine the two. The High Priestess is a tarot card that is all about things that are yet to be revealed, trusting your intuition, and mystery. I feel all of those things apply to what I’m trying to portray with my music, and so the alias priestess was born.
4. Who or what inspired you to become a singer/musician?
So many people and things. It’s hard to put my finger on it, but it seems whenever I see other people on stage, I also want to get on stage and perform. Throughout my life, I have had such an amazing experience being a fan of artists– the community that forms through being a fan of an artist is indescribable. It’s something you have to experience to truly understand, but it’s a feeling everyone has felt. I always wanted to create a safe space for both my generation and the younger generation, protect them and help them feel safe expressing who they are and feeling comfortable doing so.

5. You have quite an edgy, cool, funky look, have you always styled yourself this way?
First of all, thank you. Second, I definitely haven’t always dressed ‘cool.’ I’ve always tried to put a little personality into what I wear because my mom always told me that I should dress for myself, but it wasn’t until fairly recently that I’ve refined and narrowed down my style.
6. Who is your biggest role model and why?
My babushka. When I was younger I spent a lot of time with her while my parents were working. She has always been such a kind, generous, supportive human being to everyone she has met despite all the hardships she has faced in her life. She has always made time for me despite how busy she was and would always make me feel seen and heard. I can talk to her about anything and everything and she will do her best to understand even if it doesn’t make sense to her. I love her very much and as her only grandchild, I feel like it’s important to embody her essence for the rest of my life.
7. Who would you place as your number one style icon?
Definitely Harry Styles. I’ve been a fan of his since 2012 so I really got to watch his style evolve. I’ve picked up a lot from him along the way and now I just dress how I want.
8. What would you consider as your greatest accomplishment?
Another hard question, but only because I am so hard on myself. Sometimes I think about what I’ve done in my life and feel like I’ve done absolutely nothing when that simply isn’t true. So in asking this, you’ve reminded me of that. I’d say my biggest accomplishment has been graduating from university. It’s a privilege to be able to say I’ve done so. Knowledge is power and I believe you never really stop learning, I guess it just felt like I wrapped up my academic career until further notice.
9. What would you like to achieve?
I’ve always dreamed big and I’ve never been shy of sharing that. I would like to be an all-rounder. I want to play small shows and big shows, I want to collaborate with anyone who inspires me, I want to leave a lasting impression on our generation. There is so much I want to do, I will try my very best to get there.
10. If you weren’t a singer and professional musician, what else might you have picked as a profession?
I think about this a lot because I truly have always wanted to be a musician, but I think that I would make a good teacher.
11. What’s your favourite animal?
My favourite animal is a bunny. I was born the year of the rabbit, my first pet was a bunny. They’re always showing up in my life so I love them.
12. If you could collaborate and perform with anyone on the planet, who would it be and why?
BTS. Their lyricism, production, choreography– truly, nobody does it like them. They’re all so hard working and have each of them have insane amounts of talent. If I was to work with them, I’d want to go all-in just as they would. As a fan, it would be an honour to work with them one day.
13. What inspired your latest single “like me and you”?
I wrote the song to spite a crush I had in my first year of university. This person found out I liked them because someone else had told them and when they confronted me about it, they would have respected me more if I told them myself… so I wrote a whole song about it.
14. Where can we support you and follow your journey?
@priestesstunes on all platforms
15. What would be your advice to anyone who is an aspiring singer and performer?
Genuinely, do not let anyone tell you that your creative ideas don’t match what people think of you. That was my biggest mistake. I kept trying to fit myself into a mould for what other people expected of my art, but it’s your art! Do it how YOU want to.
16. What’s next for you in 2022?
My EP is coming out in May!! But after that, it’s more music, more gigs, and more good vibes 🙂
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