YOU might think a comedian would kill for his show to be described as “a laugh a minute”.
But as Glenn Moore points out, a minute is a heck of a long time to be on stage without raising a giggle for a comic.
Luckily for Glenn, then, he is the hardest working man in the comedy business, cramming more gags into his hour than many might deliver over a decent career.
So if one doesn’t quite hit the mark for you, don’t worry, another will be along in a mo though that’s not to say any of Glenn’s gags aren’t of the highest quality. This is clever, intelligent comedy – why does that not sound more like the compliment it is? – that he has obviously honed to perfection.
Don’t think this is the sort of pun-tastic comedy performed by the likes of Milton Jones and Tim Vine, though. The jokes are seamlessly linked and there is an underlying theme of a man trying to work out his place in things.
Glenn’s act has always been a high-speed, high-energy performance and for this one he’s added an edge of anger. Mind you, I’m a bit worried about him as many of his best gags involved Hitler, Ted Bundy, Jimmy Savile, Myra Hindley and Ian Brady!
Also, I’ve never seen anyone get quite so vexed about a non-existent child before…
He’s a youthful-looking chap so I must admit his Thatcher gag jarred a bit as he was barely born when she was kicked out of No.10 – I was a student here in Edinburgh the day she left and like the vast majority of the uni got horribly drunk.
Despite his boyish looks Glenn is a confident comic – one bit of physical comedy brought the house down – and deftly dealt with a microphone feedback problem, turning it into the best gag of the hour showing he’s as good at off-the-cuff comedy as his tightly-scripted schtick.
Glenn’s at the Pleasance Courtyard for the full month and, after building up a sizeable following over several Fringes and appearances on Mock The Week etc, judging by the almost sold-out crowd so early in his run you might want to book your tickets sharpish.
Glenn Moore: Will You Still Need Me Will You Still Feed Me Glenn I’m Sixty Moore, 16.05, Pleasance Courtyard, August 5 – 28