Jamie MacDonald gradually lost his eyesight earlier in life, and he’s at the Fringe to share his stories. He also wants to share that, in his own words, this is the best time to be disabled.
“Reasonably Adjusted” is Jamie’s way of sharing his experience with being blind, how he learned to accept himself and how “normal” people should behave around him. His excellent observational humour, quick one liners and hilarious sight-based puns makes this a standup show that should be on your list at the Fringe this year.
Growing up in Glasgow in the 90s, he has some tales of his time at school that will leave you in stitches. Even though he was having a very real, personal struggle at the time about losing his eyesight, he makes you laugh about the adversity he faced, which came in the form of neds, crazy teachers, embarrassing hand-me-downs and traumatic sports days.
Jamie has his own ideas on how to make the world a better place for blind people, and no topic is off limits. Everything from more blind TV stars to changes in how we give directions. He also thinks that people who can see need to stop using things for blind people (he goes after the audiobook users). In his show he speaks about a New York Times poll which revealed that people thought going blind was the worst thing that could ever happen to you. Jamie’s out to prove to audiences that he doesn’t think being blind is all bad, and he’ll certainly make you laugh when he explains why.
The show has everything you need for a standup show. It has a clear, positive message, that people should accept themselves for who they are and face their challenges and it has fantastic jokes that are perfectly delivered. But, most importantly, it has a Glaswegian man revealing a new swear word that is too extreme and confusing to attempt to partially type it.
Jamie MacDonald, Reasonably Adjusted, 19.45, Gilded Balloon Teviot, August 7 – 29