Craig Hill’s show is nothing short of brilliant. He’s an incredible and generous comedian and the crowd love him.
Hill’s energy and stage presence is compelling and fun. He gets the audience laughing from the moment he comes on stage. Known for his audience participation and witty remarks no one is safe in Hill’s audience.
Especially at this show, the first person he calls out is in the back row, presumably thinking they would get away with it… he does not. Hill even finds an American opera singer in this audience, getting her up on stage and imitating her. He ad libs and improvs off the audience for the hour and creating some hilarious on the spot jokes, keeping the audience on their toes at all times.
Hill is such a treat to watch, he has me crying with laughter. He has a way of making life seem so hilariously entertaining and not so serious. Ripping into typical Scottish stereotypes and telling of hysterical moments from his career.
Hill makes a comment about how life is just so hilarious in itself you just have to laugh at it and that really stuck with me. Many of Hill’s stories come from seemingly mundane moments but they turn into hectic and stupidly funny stories because of how he handles them. His way of looking at life is definitely one we should all be striving towards.
The show’s ending is just as silly and uproariously funny as the rest, with a tribute song to our beloved Edinburgh trams.
Hill’s banter is unmatched and in his 16th year of stand-up at the Fringe it’s no shock he knows what he’s doing . An incredible hour of comedy sure to have you dying with laughter.
Craig Hill: This Gets Harder Every Year!
Just the Tonic Nucleus – Just the Tonic’s Atomic Room
Aug 10-13, 16-20, 23-27