This show is completely crazy and there is no way to describe the chaos that went on within the hour.
The show is performed by Elf and Duffy, Duffy is deaf so the show is done in British Sign Language, with Elf providing all the sound effects necessary and an off stage interpreter telling the hearing people what Duffy is saying.
This combined with interpretive physical theatre and story telling creates a silly and enjoyable show. Duffy improvs some extra little bits into the scenes, keeping Elf and interpreter Kieran on their toes and changing the show every night to something a little bit different.
The show includes a guinea pig king, aliens, abduction, a seriously out of touch woman and so many more random characters. This all may seem very random and abstract, and that is exactly it. It’s mentioned in the show that the plot line doesn’t make a single bit of sense making it all that more fun and silly.
There is no hidden message or warning beneath the show, the audience is just supposed to relax, laugh along and enjoy the craziness. A really great piece of theatre for some late night fun and rip-roaring laughs.
The show is an incredible hour of comedy and the most random hour and unique show I’ve seen this fringe. Elf and Duffy work together as a perfect team and create a wonderful dynamic on stage. A wonderfully fun piece of comedy well worth seeing this Fringe.
Elf and Duffy: Heist
Monkey Barrell Comedy (The Tron) – The Tron
Aug 10-15