Choosing between building your show off jazz or a bucket of blood is a tough choice. Seeing as the concepts exist within entirely unrelated planes. But fortunately for the sake of this show Ange Lavoipierre and Jane Watt seem to thrive together even though they too are existing in very different planes.
The fourth wall isn’t broken, it’s thrashed by a hammer and kicked down in one fell swoop. The duo makes itself at home in the audience, though it spends the majority of its time on stage. The show is transparent through a multitude of choices that may seem insignificant, but imperative when compiled and committed to. One of them is the choice to shout out their cues to their tech-person, Glen (if I recall correctly). A nice touch that engulfs the entire venue in the experience, being brazenly upfront about the often hidden and ignored aspects of show making.
In fact, there is little that is hidden. The characters the pair play are so aloof that it’s impossible for them to hide anything even if they wanted to. Using the aspects of farce for all its worth, often making the unfunny, funny. The illusion of amateurism allows the pair to get away with just an absurd degree of mishaps.
It feels makeshift, but the randomness is planned. The kooky characters take their awkward personalities to ridiculous heights when interacting with the audience. Again, unable to hide what they want, the audience member has no choice but to play along, stifling their laughter, just as a parent would for a child.
Though the schtick is pulled off by a complete and successful submersion into their respective characters, the effect does wear off at times when the content too heavily depends on the novelty of the act. However, the overall entertainment value isn’t tarnished. And if it’s your kind of humour, you’ll have a ball.
It’s chaos at every swerve as these big kids spend the entire show playing out their fantasies and inching their way into our hearts. The masters of un-subtlety, Ange and Jane know how to not know what they’re doing.
Jazz or a Bucket of Blood
20:50 @ Underbelly, George Square – The Wee Coo
Aug 5-13, 15-27