After nine years of shows on oddly specific topics like sleep, hair and the colour yellow – this year Rob Autons’s show focuses on himself. The theatre is packed to the brim and there is a real buzz as audience members around me tell about his past shows and how wonderful he is. I’m particularly excited to see what all the hype is about.
We are met by Auton standing in a sea of tapestries from his past shows. Auton doesn’t have the typical energy of a performer and his tone is very samey but the audience are quickly drawn to his underlying charisma and his normalcy. Auton takes the audience through his life growing up and his love and appreciation for the mundane.
We learn of some rather weird tooth fairy visits, a broken console, and the universal childhood experience of being captivated by a lava lamp through monologue, one liners and a couple times through song. Auton has a wonderful way of making everyday things seems magnificent and his clear love for life and its wonders is so beautiful and something we don’t often get to see through media or theatre. A refreshing change from the usual grumpy, depressing way many people and performers portray or look at life.
Auton is particularly good at using space and pause to add to his jokes, and the sometimes tense pauses create even more hilarity in the audience. Auton can also often be seen laughing at his own jokes which makes him such a delight to watch.
Nearing the end of the show we are met with a rather sad monologue on how Auton truly views himself now. A feeling many people can resonate with. Auton manages to not only make this impactful for the audience but in true Auton style there are some funny moments sprinkled in.
A captivating and wonderful dive into the human experience and a reminder to laugh at yourself and to really feel your feelings.
Rob Auton: The Rob Auton Show
Assembly Roxy – Upstairs
Aug 13-26