SOME folk would pay good money to have their tackle tickled by a dreadlocked Aussie.
I didn’t think I was among their number until it happened to me – and the fact it was onstage in front of a whoopin’-and a-hollerin’ packed-out Fringe crowd just made it all the funnier.
I’ve always had a phobia about audience participation, being one of the “Thank the Lord it’s not me” mob.
And I thought I was safe, having met and enjoyed the company of the three gents behind this regular Fringe hit show that regularly sells out houses and wins awards by the bucket-load, magicians Sam Hume and Justin Williams and their fellow Aussie and MC Magnus D. Magnus.
But it turns out that familiarity does indeed breed contempt – or at least, mischief as when the boys went into the crowd looking for “volunteers”, as soon as Justin spotted me he got what I can only describe as an evil glint in his eye.
“No! Not making eye contact won’t save you!” he crowed gleefully as I was propelled stagewards to help the duo in what I can truly say, having been mere inches from it, is a jawdropping escapology trick.
Cue five minutes that I thought would be toe-curlingly mortifying but in fact turned out to be one of the funniest, most enjoyable and joyful experiences of my life.
Make no mistake, the boys make the most of all their volunteers and the image of Justin, wearing nowt but a G-string, laying his head on my shoulder, looking adoringly up into my eyes saying, “You smell nice!” will stay with me for a LONG time.
Especially because it got one of the biggest laughs of the night.
And it’s not as if laughter was in short supply. This show is genuinely hilarious and the boys are as good at the ol’ sleight of hand as they are at making us split our sides.
It’s Las Vegas-level magic paired with top-notch comedy – and you will see a LOT of the lads.
Each volunteer gets a free drink for their trouble and I have to say, I truly feel I earned mine.
Adults Only Magic Show, 21. 15 Assembly George Square, until August 25