After crossing the seas in search of Fringe acclaim, drag queen Dolly Diamond resoundingly impresses with her classic show which is drag with a capital D.
The Unburdening of Dolly Diamond takes place inside a therapist’s office where, assisted on piano by fellow queen Jens Radda, she sings her way through the childhood traumas which have brought her here today.
Dolly is a real old school queen. Classic cabaret singing with a warbling baritone voice, big wig, and a sparkling dress- there’s nothing not to like about the show. The jokes are infectious and always told with expert timing. I turn up to the show in a bit of a mood, but once I sit down in the- criminally underfilled- auditorium and watch the first few numbers, all that negativity goes away. Suddenly I’m as enthusiastic as we all are in the crowd, laughing and whooping along merrily.
I can see Dolly going down well just about anywhere, it’s a very universal show. As long as you enjoy a bit of a sing-song carry-on, I can’t imagine anyone walking away with a frown on their face. Her standout numbers for me- being too fat to play orphan Annie and turning to prostitution to pay for her snacks- are more memorable than those in other shows with higher pretensions.
Dolly is a grand high dame thoroughly at home on stage. Camp as it comes and bursting with gags, the show should be on any drag fan’s list of shows to catch over the next week.
The Unburdening of Dolly Diamond, Assembly Roxy, 20:40, until August 25.