In this gripping, award-winning reality series, Claudia Winkleman welcomes a group of strangers to a stunning castle in the Scottish Highlands, where they’ll compete in the ultimate game of strategy, deception, and trust, with up to £120,000 at stake.
Among them lurk the Traitors, whose mission is to secretly eliminate their fellow players without being discovered.
The remaining contestants, known as the Faithful, must uncover the identities of the Traitors and banish them from the game before they fall victim themselves.
For those who survive until the end, the prize is life-changing. However, if a Traitor remains undetected, they will walk away with everything. A new series brings fresh twists and challenges. Who will outwit, outlast, and claim the prize?
Alex, 29, is a Care Manager from Whitby
If you win the prize money, what do you think you’ll spend it on?
Me and my wife aren’t able to have biological children and it’s obviously very expensive to start IVF so that would be the first thing on the list. I’m desperate to be a dad, I’m just a big kid and just always wanted to be a dad. So that will be first on the list. And then just boring stuff, pay off debt, take my family on a holiday, all that sort of stuff. You know, give them a bit of a treat.
Alexander, 38, is a former British Diplomat from London
Do you think you’ve got a good poker face?
If I find somebody a bit oblivious or if I’m getting annoyed, I’ll tend to show it and it’s not my best characteristic. But if I need to hide something as part of a strategy, then I think I’ll just compartmentalise it and I just become unemotional about it.
Anna, 28, is a Swimming Teacher from County Wicklow
What do you think you’ll bring to the game?
I’m a big talker. Sometimes if someone asks me a question, I will go on such a tangent that I have forgotten what the question was, but so will they! I think I have the gift of the gab. I might talk myself into a situation, then hopefully out of a situation and then everyone’s going to forget what the situation was in the first place!
Armani, 27, is a Financial Investigator from London
What are you like playing with family or friends? Are you competitive?
I am very competitive. I would love to say that I am not a sore loser, but I don’t know if that’s true. I really love to win, and I hate being bad at things. I’m pretty good at most things I put my mind to, but there are obviously a few things that aren’t my strong point, and there’s no worse feeling than that. When it comes to games I just want to win, so coming into the Traitors I’m wanting to win, I want that money.
Charlotte, 33, Business Director from London
If you’re a Faithful, what do you think your game plan would be?
If I’m a Faithful, then it’s so unpredictable. I think to stay in I’ll need to make friends and make myself valuable in challenges. You don’t want to be too vocal and put your head above the parapet. If I’m a Faithful I’d try to be a bit like Maddy from series one and Jaz from series two, voting for who you genuinely believe is a Traitor and making it clear, rather than going with the crowd.
Dan, 33, is a Bank Risk Manager from Liverpool
Why did you apply to be on The Traitors?
I’ve always loved strategy games; I’ve always loved the opportunity to see how people manipulate and deceive in different types of games. And I just really wanted an opportunity to do something that you don’t do in your everyday life; throw myself into a game like this and see how I do. The first two seasons were really engaging, and I wanted to be a part of the next part of the story.
Elen, 24, is a Translator from Cardiff
Do you think you’ll be good at the Missions? What strengths do you think you might bring to them?
Again, it depends. Physically, I’ll be fine. I’m a sporty girl. I’m active. I do strength training. I think I’d be quite good in that aspect. I’m also very good at riddles and mind games. Not so good with things that involve insects, heights, and being buried alive!
Fozia, 50, is a Community Development Manager from Birmingham
Was there anyone’s game plan you admired?
I liked Paul’s game plan and Harry’s. And I really liked how Jaz approached things, although I felt he held back too much, I think. I don’t know, would I do that myself? I don’t want to get banished! I think he kept too much to himself too late. Because he was so close, he got to the end and he was a Faithful. I think him and Mollie could have quite easily won, he just had to win her over. He was true to his game and he was true to himself and he got so close. But I thought Jaz, you could have won this.
Francesca, 44, is an Interior Designer from East Sussex
If you’re Faithful, what will your game plan be?
I will observe quite a lot. In a previous series the ones that were quiet got quite far. The ones who were asking a lot of questions got murdered quickly. I think you’ve got to read the room a bit and distinguish between the strong characters and the quieter people and find out where you fit into that. If I was a Faithful, I’d befriend people as much as possible so there’s a bit of teamwork and understanding of who you might think that the traitors are. But if I suspected someone as being a Traitor, I might befriend them a little bit to get to know them. If I thought they were lying, I’d call them out.
Freddie, 20, is a Politics Student from Peterborough
How good are you at spotting a liar?
I did psychology A level and got an A in it and I think I’m quite good at reading people, their signals, their body language and seeing if they’re nervous and stuff like that. I also love murder-mystery type shows where you have to figure out who’s the killer.
Jack, 25, is a Market Trader from Yorkshire
Why did you apply to be on The Traitors?
My mum told me to apply, funnily enough. I was obsessed with the show, started watching it with my parents, and she just thought I would be a dead ringer to be on it. Also, the money isn’t such a terrible incentive, there’s more reasons than I can shake a stick at really, as to what I’d do with £120 grand! So, mother and money!
Jake, 28, is a Project Manager from Barrow-in-Furness
Would you say you’ve got a good poker face?
Yes, I’ve always thought I’ve been able to turn my emotions on and off quite well. I don’t know if it’s because I used to do drama when I was younger and I was quite good at it, but I feel like I’m quite good at getting in and out of character. And I think that’s how I’d play it as a Traitor, I’d be Jake during the day, but when I need to switch to this different character, I’ll be able to as I’m good at that sort of thing.
Joe, 37, is an English Teacher from Southampton
If you are a Faithful, what qualities do you think you’re going to need to make it through to the final?
I just think listening. People like talking about themselves so divert the topic so that they’re chatting about themselves and not you – I think that’s good. Ask a lot of questions but not intrusive questions.
Kasim, 33, is a Doctor from Cambridge
How good are you at spotting a liar?
I can be quite trusting but I’m often aware of when someone is trying to play the game against me, so I like to think I’m quite good. Part of my job is picking stuff up, and that’s often subtle cues.
Keith, 65, is a Window Cleaner from Bournemouth
Do you think you’ll be good at the Missions? What strengths do you think you might bring to them?
Ah yes, the Missions! I’m 65 but I’m also a black belt in Taekwondo… I will be bringing my Taekwondo outfit when I head to Scotland. I’m still fit, but I must say, I don’t like heights I’m not a baby, I just hate heights! Even though I’m a window cleaner… We don’t use ladders; I use extra-long sponges so I can keep my feet firmly on the ground!
Leanne, 28, is a Veteran from Holywell
As a Traitor, how far would you be prepared to go to win the game?
As far as it takes. I’ll have my little boys in the back of my mind the whole time and just remember it’s a game. We’re all going to laugh about it afterwards, so I’m going to do whatever I need to do.
Leon, 40, is a Retail Store Manager from the East Midlands
How good are you at spotting a liar?
Sometimes I let people fester in their lies, I let it build up so sometimes I’ll spot a lie and I’ll just keep it to myself, make a mental note and just let them carry on. I’ll try to trip them up, and maybe even feed them other things to dig themselves deeper into the hole. That’s something that I like doing because it’s interesting, like let’s see how far you’re willing to go with this lie of yours…
Linda, 70, is a Retired Opera Singer from Hertfordshire
What do you think you’ll bring to the game?
Well, I’m older, obviously, so I’ve maybe got more experience. I think I’m quite good at convincing people of things that aren’t true! And I think I’ve got quite a funny personality, so I’ll bring a bit of fun! Sometimes I can be a bit of an airhead too, so I might try and use that to my advantage!
Lisa, 62 is an Anglican Priest from Cornwall
Why did you apply to be on The Traitors?
My main driving force is that I am completely obsessed with murder mysteries. If there’s a murder mystery on the go, I’m there. I’ve watched every episode of Poirot, every Agatha Christie more than once, Midsomer Murders, Inspector Morse, Grantchester, Father Brown, Sister Boniface. I’m just obsessed with murders and the mental aspect of trying to work out who did it.
Livi, 26, is a Beautician from Horsham
What are you like with friends and family when you’re playing games? Are you competitive?
Yeah, I love playing games. I recently did a murder mystery night, and we all got dressed up in 1920s style – I got so into it, it was so fun – although I didn’t win. I had some good theories though!
Maia, 25, is a Full Time Mum from Essex
If you are a Traitor, how do you think you’ll feel?
I would love to be a Traitor. It’s better to be a Traitor than to be a Faithful because I don’t think I can deal with every night thinking am I going to die tonight? I don’t want to split the money. I want the money to be mine. Normally I’m not selfish when it comes to these things but when it comes to providing for my family, nothing will come between that. Not one thing. Being a Traitor, that would be my dream.
Minah, 29, is a Call Centre Manager from Liverpool
If you are a Traitor, how far are you are prepared to go to win the game?
I’m naturally very competitive and because I always want to win, I’d do anything. But I also like to be honest with people and I think I’d struggle betraying people I’d become close to. I think in the back of my mind though I’d think I’m doing this for my family and that trumps any of the friendships I might possibly make.
Nathan, 39, is a Property Consultant from London
What do you think you’ll bring to the game?
Apart from chaos? I want to be quite well-liked, people say I make them feel quite special and I’m warm and so I’ll get on with people. Even though we might not see eye to eye on certain things I can get on with anyone and I love to hear people’s stories.
Tyler, 29, is a Barber from Leicester
What did you think of the previous series?
I just love the game. It’s really interesting, and it’s a roller coaster and I want to be on that kind of roller coaster, it excites me, I do want to win. That’s my main objective. It’s like the old saying, I’m not there to take part, I’m there to win.
Yin, 34, is a Doctor of Communication from Berkshire
Would you say you’ve got a good poker face?
100% I can do the poker face, but at the same time, my natural state is to be very emotive and expressive. I would try to use that to my advantage.