In less of a stand-up set and more of a multimedia comedic game show – Matt Ewins portrays the host, pulling people from the crowd to participate in tech-heavy gags and stunts. He leans quite heavily on the tech, which makes his show impressive from the start, and he and collaborator Kate Palmer seem to be able to summon clips tailored to whichever crowd member he selects to single out, and his screens react in real time to any developments. It can scramble your brains, leaving you wondering how he can possibly be doing it; it’s astoundingly offbeat and innovative.
In a chaotic presentation, Ewins’ clips, games, and gags are a riot. Bus what do you do, in a tech-heavy show when the tech stops working, and crashes entirely? Ewins doesn’t look entirely sure how to react to problems with the technology, so he flounders, and goes into doing some crowd work. It’s not amazing, but there is something charming and undeniably funny about seeing a comedian so clearly forced out of his comfort zone. Eventually the technology gets back up and running, and he provides a series of games and challenges for two halves of the audience to compete in – they’re absurd and darkly humourous if sometimes a bid lewd and on the nose.
Although the games, slideshows and humour are the show’s focal point, Ewins’ shifty, scatterbrained host performance compliments an impressive technological feat and gives the show a whirlwind momentum and manic energy. It’s total insanity, but it’s also completely unique and great fun to watch.
Mat Ewins: Ewins Some You Lose Some: 21.55 Monkey Barrel, until August 25