This comedy music show is quite different to most of the acts you could find in this same genre. The show feels as though it is an hour long sketch, it is the kind of humour that if you don’t get it, you’ll feel like you’re losing your mind.
The Flop are a musical duo who are at the free Fringe to dazzle their audiences with their quick wit, songwriting abilities and audience participation. This show is ideal for fans of late night shows, but mainly because you will probably need to have had a few drinks to find any kind of true hilarity here.
Whilst the show is inventive, a large portion of the humour in it feels lazy. The pair are clearly good enough musically to put on a show that showcases their talents better than this. The way in which they get the audience involved is entertaining for most, but again it does not take a great deal of creativity. “A Band of Idiots” is great for audiences looking for a bit of simple fun, but it feels very basic in regards to the material, humour and style.
The pair do show their talents at certain points during the show by making up songs on the spot based on comments from the audience, and their dynamic and chemistry gets the audience on board right away to assist them in their funny, yet bizarre, concert. The parts of the show that highlight their skill seem to take a backseat to the audience interaction that could realistically be done by any comedian at the festival, it feels as though there is not enough emphasis on what makes their show about them and what they’re trying to do.
th, until August 20