‘Lynn Ferguson’s Storyland’ is a wonderfully though-provoking hour with an exceptional host who delves into why stories are just so important to us.
The thing is, stories are everywhere. Everyone has one, and we really should listen a little more often. We see these tales of grandeur all the time but sometimes the most genuine, emotional or even just the funniest stories come from normal people.
Ferguson’s personal story is lovely. This professional chatter guides us through her life at home (which is quickly beginning to look like a farm), her family and her triumphant battle against cancer. She’s eloquent and charming, and you cannot help but get yourself lost in her rhetoric. All of this is nicely supported by a collection of home photos and videos that are so endearing and sentimental. Her delightful narrative is also saturated with some absolutely hilarious gags – especially the absurd story she was told about Nana Mouskouri.
‘Storyland’ is a unique blend of stand-up, podcast and chat show as Ferguson brings her celebrity friends on stage to tell their stories. This particular show featured the fantastic Kaye Adams. But we’re not concerned with the narratives we hear all the time, instead we get a real look at these people through their favourite sandwiches. It’s almost therapeutic as the calming nature of talking to people as people instead of as a list of achievements is really refreshing and enjoyable.
Ferguson’s message is potent and genuine. There exists a group of horrible people who hold far too much power and an unnerving amount of will over our stories. This show urges you to look beyond what is out of your control, diverting your destiny and rewriting your story in whatever way you please, because you only get one. Ultimately, this is just a really nice performance and we could all learn a thing or two from Lynn Ferguson.
Lynn Ferguson’s Storyland
12:30 at Gilded Balloon at the Museum (Venue 64)
August 20 – 28